With Sporck and Braun
It‘s a strange feeling, to be invisible. If you agree to relinquish the material body and senses linked to it - the touch, smell, hearing, the ability to feel warmth, cold and pain in joints, you‘ll be rewarded. You‘ll become invisible, a flying creature travelling in time and space free of charge. This is what happened to me at Kuks. I walked in the Baroque space filled with sculptures and heaven, and all of a sudden, I met my idols, Franz Anton Sporck and Matthias Braun. I was so close to them and so perfectly concealed that they didn‘t notice me and so determinedly continued in their efforts to create a really great work of art that it seemed almost funny to me...
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It‘s a strange feeling, to be invisible. If you agree to relinquish the
material body and senses linked to it - the touch, smell, hearing, the
ability to feel warmth, cold and pain in joints, you‘ll be rewarded.
You‘ll become invisible, a flying creature travelling in time and space
free of charge. This is what happened to me at Kuks. I walked in the
Baroque space filled with sculptures and heaven, and all of a sudden,
I met my idols, Franz Anton Sporck and Matthias Braun. I was so close to
them and so perfectly concealed that they didn‘t notice me and so
determinedly continued in their efforts to create a really great work of
art that it seemed almost funny to me.
I glimpsed Braun sitting and leaning against a boulder and looking for sculpture ideas in clouds flown by wind. I even noticed how important it was for Sporck to look well when he wasn’t there any more. They constantly kept each other company. Walking outside, working in the studio, and when resting, as well. So different, and yet so dependent on each other. Sporck obsessed with what he wanted to say, and Braun equipped with the divine gift of knowing how to say it. Both of them belonged to a capricious Muse. When she carried them on her wings, Sporck looked serious, being a bit afraid of the height, while Braun embraced the Muse passionately. She won’t fly without him any more.